On Sunday 27 April 2014 20:47:34 Sieghard wrote:
> Hallo Martin,
> Du schriebst am Sun, 27 Apr 2014 19:59:12 +0200:
> > > mseide [OPTION]... [PROJECTFILE]'+chr(10)+chr(10)+'Options:'
> >
> > This is no valid Pascal string in *.mfm.
> use 'Usage: mseide [OPTION]... [PROJECTFILE]'^J^J
> instead. This should be a 'valid Pascal string', at least it's a valid
> Delphi notation.
> (And should even be understood by some arrogant package maintainer.)
Does not work.
Can not read formfile "/home/mse/proj/test3/main.mfm".
Wrong token type: Symbol expected but ^ found (at 34,21, stream offset 
An exception occurred at $082C28E3 :
EParserError : Can not read formfile "/home/mse/proj/test3/main.mfm".
Wrong token type: Symbol expected but ^ found (at 34,21, stream offset 
  $082C28E3  TPARSER__ERRORSTR,  line 1497 


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