On Monday 28 April 2014 17:22:05 Julio Jiménez wrote:
> I forgot to say that this project (MSEide+MSEgui) is being developed by
> only one person, Martin. I understand he has their own preferences and
> because the time is limited, he has to choose his own decissions giving
> priorities and probably his priorities aren't our priorities :)
> I guess you can package MSEide+MSEgui as it is.
Or to use MSEi18n as suggested, export to CSV, fix the string-array-shifts in 
calc, use 'save as' in calc to build a correct CSV, reimport into MSEi18n. I 
plan to store the old property values into MSEi18n projectcs in order to 
simplify the process, but not until I need MSEi18n the next time myself.


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