On 2014-08-21 06:26, Martin Schreiber wrote:
> Please don't start a discussion about the needed tools, it comes to nothing. 

Again, the beauty of using FPDoc is that MSEide comes with all the
functionality you need. NO need for Martin to develop any extra tools. :)

I have hooked DocView (fpGUI's INF Help Viewer) into MSEide by using the
External Tools menu, so I can get context sensitive help in a flash. My
only wish is to be able to assign a keyboard shortcut to the External
Tools items, but that's not a critical issue.

To write documentation in FPDoc format, I created a few FPDoc Code
Templates for MSEide. So adding new help content is a snap. I'm happy to
share the code templates I have - once again, MSEide makes it really
easy to share code templates because each one is a separate *.mct file
(unlike other IDE's <wink>).

See the fpdoc_*.mct files here:

So what Martin has supplied with MSEide is all that is needed!

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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