On Friday 15 January 2016 12:19:56 Julio Jiménez wrote:
> >
> > [],                               <<<<<<<<---- empty, not 0
> Your last comment confussed me :)
>  //bytes, none for last file
> In your actual comment you forgot to put my name ;-)
> //bytes, none (not 0!) for last file
> Probably is better to say:  // Bytes. Empty array for last file

Actually it is no item in array for last file.

> What about closing attached service? ( tfbservice1.connected:= false)
> Is not required?
No. It is possible to use the same connection to run another service but only 
one at time.

> > The AV by cancelling a failed service has been fixed in git master
> > d562504ef0d02eef9787408c96bf2bc0ac7f7f00.
> Canceling the service closing it seems not having effect. I tried it while
> restoring. Press a 'cancel' button. This execute 'tfbservice1.connected:=
> false' but the service continues running in the server and the service ends
> ok (restore is ok). The program hangs... may be is needed extra work for
> cancelling a running service?
Please call tfbservice.cancel() if you don't want to close the connection.
"tfbservice.connected:= false" stops the service for me. What means "the 
program hangs"? In "tfbservice.connected:= false"? Please send the updated 
test program.


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