On Thursday 01 September 2016 13:55:30 Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
> On 2016-09-01 12:33, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
> > I'm assuming I need to use the "Compile Directory" somehow. The I simply
> > need to use -FUunits as a FPC compiler parameter. Will the following
> > work as a top level "Compile Directory" value:
> >
> That didn't work, and neither did the following:
>    ${FILE_DIR(${MAC_IFDEF(${FILE})})
> Currently, FPC tries to output compiler units to the same directory
> level as where the .mrp file is located. That's the root directory of
> fpGUI. So I had to create a directory <fpgui>/units/ (as a work-around),
> then only does MSErun manage to successfully compile all my projects I
> added thus for.
Use -Fu? Every row of the tree can have another 'Compile Command' 
in 'ED'-dialog. Undefined entries inherit from parent, inherited text is 
showed in gray.


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