On 2016-09-26 14:58, Fred van Stappen wrote:
> Huh, the 4th button in JWM-tray "Menu", then in button list
> "Utilities", then "Transfer to device"...

Awesome, I have to give that a try. I normally prefer to keep my
development VM's, data and code on my 4-disk ZFS Raid-Z2, but having a
USB stick as yet another backup would be very useful.

>>> As you might have guessed, I haven't actually tried out polYdev
>>> yet...
> Re-huh, indeed, there were too few "wow" so I thought you did not try
> it yet ;-)

haha... I promise to give more feedback in about a week's time, when
I'll definitely be needing it in some cross-platform application testing.


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