2016-10-19 9:08 GMT+02:00 Martin Schreiber <mse00...@gmail.com>:
> The white background is drawn by frame.colorclient. Please set
> T*Grid.Frame.ColorClient to cl_transparent.
> Warning: Grids use window scrolling in order to optimise performance. So
> for
> example in order to show a new row on bottom the existing screen content
> will
> be shifted one row up and only the new row will be painted. This is wrong
> with visible background so T*Grid.OptionsWidget ow_noscroll must be set.


> git master 8e69c962a8988798ecd1602c590026776c549cff has a "getownerintf()"
> function for convenience.
> "
>   layoutinfopo:= getownerintf.getlayoutinfo(po1);
> "
> > Is there other way
> > / function?
> Maybe overriding "drawimage()" is better.

Thanks, now it is working, almost. When tree item is selected then seems
that different "draw" method is called because my text disappear but
caption is drawed. Which one is it?
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