On Sunday 01 October 2017 12:26:19 fredvs wrote:
> I want to assign a event only when the button is released.
> I did try with this tslider.onsetvalue:
> procedure tsongplayer2fo.changepos(const Sender: TObject; var avalue:
> realty; var accept: boolean);
> begin
>   if accept then
>     uos_InputSeek(theplayer, Inputindex, trunc(avalue * Inputlen));
>  end;
> But that way, "accept" is always true, even when the button is not
> released.
The purpose of "accept" is to reject a value. Set it to false if you don't 
accept the value.
Right button click is normally used to show a popup menu.
It is possible to "preview" all mouse messages by tform.onchildmouseevent, 
check for 
(sender = <theslider>) and (ainfo.eventkind = ek_buttonrelease) and 
(ainfo.button = mb_right);

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