On Monday 02 October 2017 15:44:32 fredvs wrote:
> > >Sorry, I still do not catch ;-(
> >
> > And I don^t understand what you want to achieve
> OK, we are both then. :-).
> Imagine that a song is playing.
> So the audio thread sent, at each reading of the buffer, some data to the
> main thread, like position in the sound.
> Then there is a synchro: the button slider is set at the position given by
> the audio thread.
> If  I change the position manually while the song is playing, now, the
> position is changed everytime while moving the slider-button.
> It is not what I want, I would prefer that the position change only when I
> release the button, and when the button is not released, only calculate the
> "virtual position" and give it in the label-position..
Use tslider.scrollbar.onafterevent and
procedure tmainfo.aftereventev(const sender: tcustomscrollbar;
               const akind: scrolleventty; const avalue: Real);
 if akind = sbe_thumbposition then begin
  <songposition>:= sender.value;
 else begin
  <labeldisp>.value:= sender.value;


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