> Your Ubuntu installation or your repository setup seems to be broken.

Maybe ;(

Did you try with a up-to-date Debian OS ? :

sudo apt-get install espeak-ng

Does it install espeak-ng ?

> Suggestion: build and install it from source. 

Yes, I did it already.  And after (lot of) tips, espeak-ng was working.
I did many test espeak vs espeak-ng (executable).
Also test using only libraries.

Now, after un-installing espeak and espeak-ng, I did try, like common user,
to install the binaries (not compiling all) on a virgin system.

And with my system (maybe broken):

sudo apt-get install espeak  -----> Ok, espeak is installed.
sudo apt-get install espeak-ng  -----> NOT Ok, espeak-ng package not found.

> Espeak project is abandoned and dead, see for example the official
> website: 
> http://espeak.sourceforge.net/

Huh,  on my maybe broken system,  I get:
"http://espeak.sourceforge.net is not accessible"

Strange indeed...

> pcaudiolib is a small library which provides cross platform audio support
> like portaudio.


Hum, nice (but no comparaison with the huge number of cross-platform that
Portaudio can do).

Ok, ok, you win, I will study espeak-ng more deeply.

>> Also for the quality of sound, my ears prefer the result of espeak vs 
>> espeak-ng. 
> That is strange, you should submit your findings as bug reports: 


Yes my ears are very strange...

Thanks Martin.


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