On 05/02/2019 16:36, Noel Frankinet wrote:
> When a C++ program is slower than its counterpart in Java, its always
> because the C++ implementation is weak.

Never underestimate the developer to f**k things up. :-)  No matter the
language, some developers can always cause havoc.

> Java cannot be faster than machine code and a good C++ implementation must
> be equivalent to machine code.

These days the Java Runtime (JRE) compiles the byte code into machine
code and then runs the machine code version - thus equivalent to what
C/C++ compilers generated. Java has some benefits in the fact that the
Byte Code includes lots of metadata to help the JRE, JIT etc to generate
very optimised machine code. While your application is running, the JRE
can also preempt what is going to be loaded soon, and pre-compiles such
code into optimised machine code too.

Like I said, the Java of today is a far cry from the Java of the 90's!

What is also mind boggling is that you can even run (link) java classes
generated back in the 90's and still use them in your code compiled
today! (without having the original .java files) Backwards compatibly to
the max. :)


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