On 24/04/2019 14:12, fredvs wrote: > Yes, but only source and compiling fpc is not my favorite game.
I have been using the same compilation script for the last 7 years and it hasn't failed me yet. Just one reminder: A newer FPC may only be compiled with the latest _released_ FPC version. My directory structure is as follows: /data/devel/fpc-<ver>/ +- src +- go.sh Where <ver> is the version of FPC. ie: "fpc-3.0.4" or "fpc-3.2.0" and "src" is where the source code is checked out or unpacked from a archive. I have one ~/.fpc.cfg which uses $fpcversion and $fpctarget instead of hard-coded version numbers. So this file NEVER needs to change even if I switch FPC versions. =================[go.sh]=================== #!/bin/sh TARGET_VER=3.2.0 TARGET=x86_64-linux COMPILER=/data/devel/fpc-3.0.4/$TARGET/bin/ppcx64 cd src make clean make all FPC=$COMPILER OPT="-Fl/usr/local/lib" make install INSTALL_PREFIX=/data/devel/fpc-$TARGET_VER/$TARGET FPC=/data/devel/fpc-$TARGET_VER/src/compiler/ppcx64 =========================================== Due to line wrapping, I've attached the go.sh script found in the fpc-3.2.0 directory. So after running go.sh it will build and install fpc into the same directory structure as shown above. It is totally independent of Linux package management. I also use the same structure for Linux, FreeBSD and Windows. Here is my complete directory layout of the FPC versions I test with: /data/devel/fpc-2.6.4/ +-go.sh +-src/ +-x86_64-linux/ +-x86_64-freebsd/ /data/devel/fpc-3.0.4/ +-go.sh +-src/ +-x86_64-linux/ +-x86_64-freebsd/ /data/devel/fpc-3.2.0/ +-go.sh +-src/ +-x86_64-linux/ +-x86_64-freebsd/ I deleted the fpc-2.6.2 compiler as I don't recompile 2.6.4 any more. Regards, Graeme -- fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal http://fpgui.sourceforge.net/ My public PGP key: http://tinyurl.com/graeme-pgp
Description: application/shellscript
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