Hello friends!

This question is for Graeme.

I tried to generate the MSEgui documentation in the INF format, as explained
in mseuniverse/docs/fpdoc/README.txt.

After some modifications into the XML, I could generate the IPF. Then I
tried to convert IPF to INF like this:

$ env WIPFC=/home/roland/Documents/sources/fpgui/tools/wipfc
/home/roland/Documents/sources/fpgui/tools/wipfc/wipfc msegui.ipf

I am under Linux. I used the Linux 32 binary shipped with fpGUI.

The output is this line, repeated thousands of time:

<msegu:xxxxxx:1> Warning 61: This res number is already in use

After a moment the output stops and nothing happens.

Do you know why it doesn't work?



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