On 28/12/2020 4:06 pm, Fred van Stappen wrote:
> Ok, ok, you assigned the shortcut via the mseide and button shortcut in 
> config form.

Yup, that's correct. The shortcuts work fine in the source editor too. It's
just that they don't display the key combination correctly in the IDE's
Configure Shortcuts dialog.

> Yes, indeed, it converts "Ctrl + [" in the asci code, but not in regular
> human transcription.

Seem so.

> Maybe something must be implemented in tshortcutcontroller in mseaction.pas

I guess so. Your knowledge of MSEgui is much better than mine. :-)

It's not urgent or anything. As I said, the shortcuts work. It's just the
human readable keyboard combination that doesn't display right, and I
thought I would report this.


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