On 10/04/2021 9:34 am, Roland Chastain wrote:
> So, I have a fully functional *wipfc* + *docview* + *fpdoc* installation. :)

That's excellent news.

> 1. To generate the IPF for MSEgui, do you also use the XML?

fpdoc can generate documentation output only using the source code, but
then there wouldn't be any actual documentation content. Only skeleton
documentation showing the structure, classes, methods etc, but no actual

The XML is used to add the content to that skeleton documentation. So if you
create documentation about TButton.Caption in the XML, then when you generate
the fpdoc output, it will include the TButton.Caption content into the
generated docs.

The nice thing of fpdoc is that you don't have to document everything in
one go. You can do bits at a time, and slowly build up your documentation
over time.

> 2. Did you make the main XML file by yourself, using a script or something
> like that? And the little XML files, I imagine, in a text editor.

The XML required for fpdoc is very simple in layout. You don't need anything
fancy. I created a few code templates for MSEide. So I can quickly add a
new topic. It's the actual help content that takes long (or longer) to

I'll merge the current MSEgui docs I have shown into the master branch, as
well as the fpdoc templates I mentioned. I'll make sure to update a
README file with starting instructions.

> The IPF format is very nice. I can't wait to learn it. One could write a
> book (as you wrote somewhere) using that format, and view it with DocView.
> :)

It is indeed a very nice format. Back when I started researching
documentation formats for fpGUI applications, I spent 3 months trying various
help formats to see what they offer and how good their help viewers are.
IPF was created by IBM and is actually very powerful, without the verbosity
or complexity of HTML and CSS.

IBM wrote tons of massive ebooks and help with IPF, so it was a very well tested
format. It was also quick to integrate it into application help
using Object Pascal. DocView took some time to write, but the end result
was well worth it. It is so fast compared to Windows HLP or CHM viewers,
and has many more feature over those too. Like advanced search, inline 
runtime or compile time Index page building, runtime concatenation of INF
files, very compact binary format etc.

> When I have time, I will try to make a french version of DocView. Please
> tell me your ideas about the translation system that you would prefer.

fpGUI already has a defined translation system using Object Pascal's
ResourceStrings and .po files. Docview and other fpGUI applications can
load those .po files and start-up, or you can recompile the application
with a new default language - if you don't want the external .po files.
You can use any know PO editor, or do it by hand.

I'll make sure to extract the resource strings into an initial English
.po file, ready for more translations. The fpGUI library itself already
has French translations, so it's just the Docview resource strings that
will need translating.


fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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