On 10/04/2021 11:20 am, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
> Like advanced search, inline annotations,
> runtime or compile time Index page building, runtime concatenation of INF
> files, very compact binary format etc.

I've just tested fpdoc (from FPC 3.2.1) generating HTML, CHM and INF help as
final output. To give you an idea of how compact INF help is...

Using latest MSEgui `master` source code resulted in the following help
file sizes:

   HTML - 242.0MB
   CHM  -  10.2MB
   INF  -   4.3MB

The CHM content formatting looked really bad using KchmViewer, and KchmViewer
is actually a pretty good CHM viewer. Also doing two searches caused
KchmViewer to crash (reproducible multiple times). There is also no help
Table of Contents, or Index generated for CHM. That's an extra step and requires
even more effort and disk space.

MSEide+MSEgui's latest `master` now contains the fpdoc project file and the
xml documentation - moved over from MSEUniverse repo. I also created a INF
help file attached to the latest release on Github.


fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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