Hallo Fred van Stappen,

vous ecrit au Sun, 20 Mar 2022 01:47:05 +0000:

> >> I try to use your "podemo4stock.zip" updated files but with the
> Like explained in my previous post, I updated last week

Alright then, it wasn't quite clear to me that this applied to this
latest version when I wrote this. In the meantime, I received the
(then) latest version of all the stuff, and found that you had already
incorporated all of it into the main project, so I trust that this
means it does indeed work for you too.

["self operating" string extractor]
> Imho, it would be perfect if you could incorporate your
> string-extractor into /mseide-msegui/potools/MOdemo and POdemo (or do

It is still "work in progress", so I will just provide an experimental
version for testing purposes. I'm just trying it against your ideU, as
the "POdemo" program is rather trivial in this respect. And in the end,
with this execise I set out to create, not so much a string extractor,
but in the end a string replacement tool that can find most, if not all
occurrences of such items in an end user application, relieving the
programmer from the chore to manually write sustitution statements for
each and every instance of such an element, which, as you know, can
range in the thousands for a substantial project. It should be possible
to reduce that to just a few special cases, maybe on the order of a
dozen or so for projects like your ideU.

> By the way, I just finish to extract (mainly manually) all the
> captions of a other project: https://github.com/fredvs/strumpract
> And it was a long and boring work, your string-extractor would have
> been very helpful and welcome. 😉

I can imagine that. You was just a little early, sorry...
If I had known, I had given you a notice.
Although it's by no means perfect, the code can do a lot of this work,
and it's completely general, using some interesting and helpful utility
functions of fpc's "typinfo" unit and RTTI (run time type information)

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