Hallo Fred van Stappen,

vous ecrit au Thu, 9 Jun 2022 13:45:27 +0000:

> I have found some free time for tonight and will use it for your code.

Don't use it up for things you're feeling pressed to, relax a bit.

> But, sorry, I am a few lost with all your last posts.

Well, it was quite a lot of text, describing quite a few details of
the code involved. But there's not so much really new, most is just
talk about the findings.

> Could you give me a list of the new files/demos from your web site
> (http://schs.de/download/mse/) that I have to test?

Well, you do not HAVE to test it, but if you think it worthwhile to
have a look, there are three catagories of files (or, discounting the
less useful things, just two of them):

- All the .zip files contain code for msegui use. But only the file
  "mseconsts_new.zip" is directly relevant for msegui itself, because
  it contains modifications for the "lang_consts" units.
  The other files contain demo code, either complete projects
  ("podemo_formscan.zip", "MSEclock.zip") or just the modifications
  to ypour "ideU" I made.
- The .pdf files are attempts at a graphical represenation of the
  msegui component, or class, relations. As these are enormously
  complex, these files ("Classtree_[1,2,3}.pdf") aren't of much use,
  I think.
- The .html file ("classlist.html") - you can open it directly in your
  browser - lists all the (more than 2500) msegui classes and gives
  their locations (directory and unit file name) along with the
  ancestor class derived from and possibly further interfaces.
  This might be helpful at times.

I hope this clarifies things a little and makes it easier for you to
find the relevant stuff.

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

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