Hallo Fred van Stappen,

vous ecrit au Fri, 10 Jun 2022 18:08:25 +0000:

> Hum, "po2array" unit needs "-dmse_dynpo" parameter to compile so all
> code inside {$ifdef mse_dynpo} will be used. Anyway, it is not very

Ah well, I see - I didn't take that into account...
Yes, certainly, using .po files for translation relies on "mse_dynpo".
Though this makes translations a lot harder (I suppose), you're right,
these declarations are not needed then. Although, interestingly, your
"podemo" (and even the "ideU") CAN be compiled without "mse_dynpo".

Vous ecrit au Thu, 9 Jun 2022 22:51:45 +0000:

> I try to test your demo MSEclock but get those error messages:
> clockwork.pas(253,60) Error: Incompatible type for arg no. 1: Got
> "tcolordialogfo", expected "tdialogform" clockwork.pas(254,20) Error:
This might mean that you didn't include the "newdialog" units for the
dialogs used there. These are REQUIRED, because the dialogs have to
have extended properties for the program to work properly. You can
achieve that by including an entry similar to "<base dir>/newdialogs"
as the first entry in the "project options/Directory" table. The .prj
file in the archive should already contain such an entry, but it will
have to be modified to be set up properly.
BTW, as I wrote lately, I would like very much to polish up the dialog
units, in the first place giving them an abilities to be arbitrarily
AND REPRODUCIBLY placeable where the USER wants, in contrast to their
fixed placment at the design position or the screen center only. I'm
getting constantly angry about such crutches of dialogs that seem to
consistently show up at the most unwanted position, and doing that
again and again, as often as you dragged them out of the way...

> I used last mseide-msegui from Github + your code of lang_consts/.
> Did I miss something?

Only the "newdialogs" units, packaged together with the base demo code.
This should be sufficient to get it compiled - enjoy!
(Or at least test it out a bit... It's not really sophisticated.)

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

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