Hallo Fred van Stappen,

vous ecrit au Mon, 19 Sep 2022 14:40:04 +0000:

> >>> The updated msewidget.pas is included in root directory source so
> Indeed it works (but I have to copy updated msewidget.pas
> into /MSEclock/) Nice work you have done!

Is this really neccessary, or don't you just forgot to transfer the
modified unit into the library directory tree yet? If the latter
(i.e., the library unit doesn't include the additional field publicly
yet), that was correct. Otherwise, the library version should suffice.
BTW, I just tried to do that, and, indeed, it does work taking the
unit from the library. Perhaps you forgot to remove the old object
files from your build (unit) directory beforehand?

> >>>[ACTIVE users]
> I have to recognize that, evertime I asked questions in Lazarus forum
> about new fpc 3.3.1 featture that breaks compatibilty with MSEgui,
> Sven Barth (PascalDragon), a core fpc-compiler developper, always
> helped me to find a solution. But I dont feel lot of enthousiasm from
> Lazarus core developpers when talking about MSEgui... 😉

Yes, that's a point Martin mentioned several times already, and it
seems that hasn't changed "much"...
I COULD imagine that is because of the relative popularity of msegui,
compared to e.g. Lazarus.

> >  Or find another way?
> Yes, but I am not a marketting-man and dont know where to do
> publicity.

Oh well, PLEASE don't ask ME! Marketeers (I call them "Markentiere" in
german) aren't really a breed I long to socalize with...
But getting allowance to present a mseide-msegui logo on a spot on the
fpc web site might already give some push to the interest of potential
users, and linking that with the video you presented a while ago could
also help some. Add a presentation page somewhere on the web, and
include Roland's great interface documentation, and, maybe, my unitlist
reference sheet. Along with a couple presentation programs (your
"strumpract" program perhaps, along with a few other simple programs,
even MSEclock, if you will) and some excerpts from the various attempts
on documentation from - previous - contributors should be included as
well to raise some interest. Is there an arm version of Lazarus (I
don't know)? If not, that would be a unique outstanding feature of
mseide-msegui, don't you think?
And there should probabely be a kind of user forum as well, giving
liveliness to the undertaking - and make it easy to tell how much
interest there might be. After a while, of course, that is...

Vous ecrit au Mon, 19 Sep 2022 14:40:04 +0000:

> I did try to compile MSEclock for Windows (using emulator wine for
> Linux). It fails to compile for mo4stock.pas.
> The trick is to add those 2 units in uses section:
>   msefileutils, msesysintf, ...

Interesting that there's so much difference to the Linux version.

> It fails to compile later with error in UNIT fontlist.pas, this
> because only Unix was implemented. For Windows, you may find
> inspiration form ideU project: /ideU/src/conflang.pas

Yes, the "fontlist" unit is Linux only. That is because I don't have
any knowledge as to how fonts are handled on Windows, even the Linux
version is badly patched up from pieces found cursorily at best. It's
only translated into a more coherent, self contained, code modeled
after your original version.

> There is in section {$ifdef windows} the procedure
> tconflangfo.listlangfont(lang : String);

I'll have a look at it when I can get at it. Don't expect much,
though, as Windows is not a viable asset on my system.

Vous ecrit au Mon, 19 Sep 2022 15:00:09 +0000:

> Re-hello Med.
> project. http://schs.de/download/mse/

Please don't publicize this URL too much - it was ONLY meant for
passing UNFINISHED msegui code for review by a leading developer, who
might decide whether this should be discarded or promoted further,
kind of what an editor does for books.
Mentioning it within here is not a big deal, but it should remain here,
kept somewhat "private".

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

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