Hallo Fred van Stappen,

vous ecrit au Tue, 20 Sep 2022 18:52:03 +0000:

> > But how did you know that MseLib  has a function which do the job
> > and called sumfield.
> >I am sure that there are other Hidden funcs.
> Sorry but I do not understand.

Isn't that obvious? Say you want to sum up a column of data in a grid
and wonder how to do that easily. What would be your first attempt,
quick & dirty?
I'm sure you wouldn't start to search through any and all the grid
functions, whether there is such a function already, although it would
do immediatly (I assume) what you need - you probabely would start to
implement such a function yourself. 

> Could you explain what you need, maybe with a example.

Does that suffice as an explanation?

BTW, you wrote on Tue, 20 Sep 2022 02:12:20 +0000:

> In such case, I use menu Search/Find in files and set directory
> mseide-msegui. See image:

You DO realize that, on Linux at least, but also available fpr Windows,
there are such system provided functions like "find", "grep" and others
that do such a job quite nicely and even better controllable, without
having to fire up a bulky graphics application? And even better, for
repeatedd tasks, they can be used within a script and applied as often
as you like...
(Of course, that's how I produced the "unitslist" web pages. And as I
just have built a small script to list ot the heritge of a class, I
might add this feature to this list. So you can immediately see all the
classes the one in question inherits from without having to scan them

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

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