Hello Fred,

you wrote on Tue, 8 Aug 2023 10:48:35 +0000:

> Lagprogramming sent me PMs and agreed to share it with you.

Nice, it seems they are interested in some coopertion, then.
But I'm not yet clear about what "Lagprogramming" really IS or what their
gaol might be. Are they trying to develop another, competing, windowing
system like X11 and Wayland, even if that should only support the
framebuffer console (but you mentioned windows, seemingly multiple
freefloating ones), or is it meant to create a different graphical user
interface, somewhat in the way of Android's, or something different
entirely? (I think I really should fire up ol' firefox for some research
on the stuff...)

> I've read the mailing list discussion regarding saving rendered form
> bitmaps and framebuffers. Maybe the following information is useful to
> you. If you need a system function free backend in MSEgui you need to

Well, that's quite a lot of stuff. Is that meant as something like a list
of required interface functions? The "gdf_" ones then might be the names
their code is built on and wants to call, while the "gui_" ones look like
the list of interface functions from msegui's Windows compatibility units,
notably, in the "kernel" subdirectory, mseguiintf.inc, msegui.pas and
windows/mseguiintf.pas, that I identified as the most probable anchors for
adaptation to some other graphical system, although they list a host of
other functions as well. Did they possibly just do a "grep" on functions
and procedures starting with "gui_" for this second list?
I didn't compare their list of functions with those I had found, though,
so I cannot really be sure they're compatible. But it WILL require quite
some more information concerning the programming interface to be able to
attempt a viable implementation. Also, it's by no means clear yet what
their system provides and what it doesn't, i.e. what restrictions have to
be observed concerning library and system service use and other things.
Much work to do yet, so.

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen, S. Schicktanz

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