I'm unable to duplicate that with the following program using msp430-gcc
-Os -mmcu=msp430fr5969 -c x.c and similar variants.

The attributes are documented at
it should not be necessary for you to be aware of them for this sort


#include <msp430.h>
#include <stdint.h>

extern uint8_t v;

int doit ()
  P4OUT |= v;
  return 1;

On Fri, Sep 6, 2013 at 12:14 PM, Andrew Wygle <awy...@berkeley.edu> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I'm new to this list, I've been using mspgcc to develop for the new
> MSP430FR5969 (the 64k FRAM MSP), and I recently ran into an error when
> trying to assign to port 4 of that device.
> The line of code is:
> P4OUT |= var;
> where var is an 8-bit unsigned integer less than 8 in this particular case.
> The reported error is:
> error: merged types have inconsistent d16/d20 attributes.
> This would seem to indicate some kind of data type width error. This is
> born out by the fact that if I change var to be an unsigned 16-bit integer,
> the assignment works just fine. However, P4 should be an 8-bit (byte) wide
> port. I'd never seen the d16/d20 notation before, and I wasn't able to find
> any information on it through Google, so I'd like to hopefully understand
> what I'm doing wrong and why I'm seeing this error.
> Thanks for the assistance.
> ~Andrew Wygle
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