AUDIOWAVE #4 - Promotional info text 

AudioWave #4 will see his first release at the Msx-fair of Tilburg in
April '98.
AudioWave #4 will be a multi-modular music disk: This means that you
have a main program (An usual nice-graphic re-player with some special
addictional options) in the 1st disk and then an unspecified number of
other "modular" music-disks, which will contain musics, wavekits and
info files (compressed or not, at the moment we don't know yet).
The "modular system" was needed at first for the usual disk-space
problem, cause of large Kbytes occupied mainly by Opl4 Wavekits. But
this system is more important because it allows us to present in the
near future as many new disks as we want and it allows us to leave
musics uncompleted and to finish them after, in a second moment, without
"running fast&bad" for the symposium's date. One of our first projects
after Tilburg is to sell new modular-music-disks via Internet. With the
modular system you are also free to buy some modules or not to buy any,
as you prefer. 
Audiowave #4, should be able to play both Opl4 systems: 24waves &
18Fm+6waves. (This depends from our coder)
About the 24waves system, Audiowave#4 (AW4) will use the latest version
of Moonblaster, at the moment with Reverb & Software LFO effect. In case
Moonblaster will see new versions (We hope it...!), we will include
together with the new modular disks, also a patch-routine that will
automatically substitute the replayer .Bin file in the Main Program Disk
with the newest version of it. (Allright?)
Every compositions will be associated to an info-text file visualizing
on the replayer screen and containing some readable information about
the played music (Like: date of composition, Autor, Time duration,
arranged from..., greetings, thanks to etc...etc...)
The composers of AW4 will be us!,  DandAN & Maverick, but we plan to
have some addictional bonus tracks composed by "external" musicians: 
Surely one of these is for example, "Omega" - the Techno's composer who
will re-arrange some songs made by me and I will do the same for his
music-disk "Pure" (This is a very nice concept about contamination
throught different styles...)
AW4 wont be build on "one" mono-style of music: The only style that we
hope to present is "Quality" (Modests aren't we ?). For the rest you
will hear Dance style, as Techno style, as Oldvideogames
re-arrangements, as NewAge, as Experimental music, as Acidjazz, Classic,
Orchestral, Electronic, Pop, stupid musics and more and more... All
these styles that I listed here, are currently present on some songs.
At the moment we don't know exactly how many tracks will be ready for
Tilburg...For now I've got about 15 compositions that are going to be
completed, and Maverick should have the same number of tracks.
We plan also to record some audiotapes and/or CDs for people who don't
have the Opl4.
At the moment we only have a beta version of the replayer programmed in
Basic language, so no good-promo is available  now. About the graphics,
I will do them with Photoshop and about the intro, we are not sure about
Same thing about the price: we don't know exactly how much it will cost,
but we know that it will be a difference between the price of the main
disk and the modular-music disks. We will probably publish also a
modular-disk with "uncompleted experiments" for Opl4. (price here very
AudioWave #4 will probably be presented under an Abyss Production.

Well, for now, That's all.
For any suggestion and/or requestes for collaboration, just contact me
via e-mail.

Thanks for your attention.
Many greetings.

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