>   The thing is that this problem we (Mayhem) encountered is a little more
> complicated. As Maarten wrote we put RAM on all pages (0000h-FFFFh) with our
> own BIOS and interrupt service routine, so in fact we have complete control
> over the machine. The complication lies within the following: in R800 mode the
> PAUSE key does NOT work, but in Z80 mode the PAUSE key DOES work. So while the
> R800 mode hints at a software implementation of the PAUSE key, the Z80 mode on
> the contrary hints at a hardware implementation...
>   So disabling the PAUSE key can be achieved by simply activating the R800
> mode, but sometimes you do not want this and are forced to use the Z80 mode
> (for instance due to the slowed down VDP access in R800 mode). To our dismay we
> weren't able to come up with a solution for it - I'll admit, it is bit of
> personal frustration. Anyway, this is why you will get an applause if you do
> succeed in disabling the PAUSE key in Z80 mode on a turboR.

 Hm ... that explains all my doubts about the pause key ... 

  Ohter thing .... Why you want to hide your VDP handling routines ?
  I just donīt know why the good programmers donīt want to show how to
  that incredible VDP tricks to the beginer proggramers ....
 Iīm sure that if they open that secrets to every one we will have more 
good programmers on the MSX .... 

 Leonard Silva de Oliveira       MSX user since 1987  
 MSX users channel on the undernet  : #MSX the MSX user's channel
 Nickname : Vic_Viper

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