> [CUT]
> >-MSX Club Power Replay-
> >
> [CUT]

You know what I mean?

For myself, I bought a lot of original software everytime when
I visited a fair in the Netherlands. And there is more than
one game which I've played only once, and never again.
(There is even one which I have never played!)   #)

I made this because of respect to the other programmers,
to support them. If I really wanna play a "challenging" game
I take my PSX... (sorry 4 that, but I am sure you'll understand).  ;)

Nevertheless I will continue my "investment" and developement
on MSX.      8D

    Programmers' Affair - The Vampyre of MSX Empire
PA:    http://www.myworld.privateweb.at/gavaman/default.html

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