
>] I think it's better to stickl all available time in making GOOD software
>] instead of making BAD software with "GOOD" copy-protection... I still
>] believe that if the price of the software is low, more people will buy it
>] instead of copying it! You agree?

>How low do you think we should go? As far as I'm concerned the software
>prices in the MSX scene are already at a very low level. They are that low
>that I do not even want to go through the trouble of producing the software
>(copying the disks, printing the color lables and sticking them to the
>printing/copying the manuals, putting everything togetter in a box, and so
>on). So I have decided to make only free software, which I can upload once
>ftp.funet.fi and then not look at it any longer.

Not all software is sold at the bottom price... still people think they can
become rich by selling software at high prices... But what's a bottom price
of software? How much will people pay?

There are still some people who spent a lot of time and money in making
labels, manuals so they can sell a nice package... They don't make a lot of
money and are glad that they can pay their bills. Fony for example stopped
selling FR after the Tilburg fair, we continued with that. We made new
manuals, new labels... and we still sell it for the same price... We could
easily raise the price but we didn't... Allmost all the money will go to

--[ MARI ]--

>Kind regards,
>Alex Wulms
>Alex Wulms/XelaSoft - MSX of anders NIX - Linux 4 ever
>See my homepage for info on the  *** XSA *** format
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