Hi to all,
  I've got a question, where can I find a list with description of all the
software produced by Active Group ? Does it exists ?
About  the discussion on copy ethics & Active groups, I agree with the idea
to use protection like "insert the word at line 5 in page 6 of the manual".
The hardware protections are no a good solution, there will be too many
problems for registered users, and new challanges for hackers.
I think that there's a lot of people that love MSX, that people is ready to
pay for good software, and we expect  that pirates will be denounced to
their webmasters.
I'm going to upload on my page a manual of MSX 2 BASIC (only in the italian
version for now), so I hope that new users will be involved in MSX
programming, more than in MSX piracy.
Goodbye & thanks,

PS (for italians only) sul mio sito gli utenti italiani di msx possono
trovare il manuale dell'MSX 2 (per ora in forma parziale). Chi volesse
contribuire a questo lavoro apporti le correzioni necessarie (l'OCR è
fallace !) e mi invii il lavoro fatto !
Aspetto commenti e giudizi. E se volete aggiungete un link della mia pagina
ai vostri siti
Fronteddu Stefano

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