>    Talking about new and old games, I have to say it:
>FF7 sucks. There is no other way to say it. I have the CD
>with the musics of the game, so I didn't have to play it all
>to listen to them... Forget it! Most like someone said, an

I'm wondering that everybody is speaking about FF7 having played only a
little. In my opinion, Final Fantasy VII is an excellent game. It has the
same argumental quality like the others FF games and it takes profit of the
3D capabilites of the PSX. If somebody has played to the others FF, then he
will see that FF7 is an excellent sequel.
Final Fantasy VII is the best game that can be found for PlayStation.

>    But then, let's go to the "final" considerations. The good
>thing about FF5 is that you can change "job" at any time, which
>gives the best playability of all multi-character CRPG I have

I'm sorry. I have not played FF5... I think, perhaps is some version of a FF
that I have played... I have played FF1 on MSX, FF2 and FF3 on SNES. In my
opinion, the best of all is FF3.
Probably FF7 isn't a CRPG (!!), but Dragon Slayer VI isn't CRPG and it is an
excellent game.
On the other hand, the CRPG feature can be a bad thing, because it can break
a good argumental line. Look, for example, those european games, like the
D&D series, where you can create your character. Due to this, the story line
can't be as good as in a game where some points are established from the

> And even so, MSX "SD Snatcher" has my vote as the best
>CRGP I have played, for you can SEE the enemy, you don't STEP
>randomly at a giant crystallis or ifrit (what is the chance of
>a character "stepping over" something at least twice as large,
>burning with sulfuric fire and sparking like a fire tracer?
>I think you got it...)

Well. But this is a feature of a lot of MSX games also. Look DS6, look FF1,
for example. And this puts more realism on the game. That is, imagine that
you are the adventurer, you don't see all the monsters who attack you.

>    And to testify that 3D will NOT rule the world, take
>"Einhander" (it is pronounced [ain handa-] and means "one
>handed", in Germany), also from Square. It is a shoot'em up, most like
"Gradius", but completely polygonal. Due to it's

Respect to this, 3D is the future, of course. But not now. When 3D reaches
his "perfect" state, a 2D game can be done as a "particular" case of a 3D
The problem is that the actual 3D games aren't fun, they only shows how good
is his 3D engine.

Well, conclusions of this:
* CRPG can be a bad quality, because it can break the story line. This is
the diference between RPG (D&D series, for example) and ADVENTURE GAME
(Final Fantasy). Personally, I prefer adventure game.
* What is the problem about don't see the enemies on the map? I think that
it is good, and the FF7 fighting mode is the best fighting mode that I have
ever seen, for the spectacularity and also for the playability.
* And, respect to the music, I agree your words... it has a few good themes,
it is true.

|            Toni Burguera Burguera              |
| E-mail :    [EMAIL PROTECTED]               |
|            9D - La Novena Dimensio             |
| http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dimension/9812 |

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