On Mon, 19 Oct 1998, Oberleithner Wolfgang wrote:

> I want to speed up the interrupt (original #38).
> So I use the #FD9A for jumping to my own routine (which will
> pop the return-adress from the stack), checking the Vertcal-
> Blank flag and only the absoult necessary things.

There is no absolut necessary things, if you are not trying to run some
multitasking proggram (like MoonBlaster replayer) 
Ofcource BIOS routines can't be used, if you select RAM to area
#0000-#3FFF, so you have to make your own keyboard reading routines etc.
if you need them.

> #FD9F: called 50/60 times per second,
>        a restard-command to stop the diskdrive.
>        - before disabling this call, I will call it 256 times after
>          a diskoperation to stop the drive.

        LD A,1
        LD (#F1C1),A
        CALL #FD9F

Should be enough, you don't need to call it 256 times.

> What is your opinion? Will I be in troubles by removing this two calls?

                   ! A1ST ~--- - I  ( o o o o o o )i
                 / .::::::::::::::::::::::;::;  ::::.,
                / :::.:.:.:::____________:::::!.  -=- `,
                       NYYRIKKI : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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