>If we add this to the problems with the ZIP plus that someone told some
>weeks ago (problems when connecting more than one device to the SCSI chain),
>maybe we can conclude that ZIP drives are not reliable devices. So if
>someone is planning to buy one, I recommend to buy better an alternative
>device (I heard that MOs works fine) if possible (it is somehow expensiver).
>Anyway, someone knows how to solve the "click of death"? (sorry, I don't
>remember the contents of the past referred messages...)

I never had problems using my (internal) ZIP drive externally on PC or MSX,
but built in my PC I did get the click of death... Everytime I would insert
a disk, there was a big chance it would 'ch-click ch-click' itself to death.

The 'click of death' is caused by magnetic fields causing the 2 ZIP heads
to misalign and scratch the disk. ZIP disks have reserved sectors that can
replace bad ones, so reformatting will allow you to use the disk again!

Two weeks ago, I got rid of my CHEAP IDE CD-ROM which was close (a few cm)
to the ZIP drive and bought a high-quality (plextor) SCSI CD-ROM (Together
with a plextor CD-writer btw :))) and I haven't experienced ANY problems
since!!! ^_^

So I'm using my ZIP drive, my CD-ROM and CD-R all on the same SCSI bus
quite happily. I think it's only the ZIP-plus drive that has problems with
other SCSI devices on the same bus. Try to move your ZIP drive to another
place, 20 cm can make the difference!

Good luck!


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