On Wed, 02 Sep 1998 11:19:52 +0200, Konami Man wrote:

>But the best, I think, is Maze of Galious. Too simple graphics, 
>yes, but...
>the game has a I-don't-know-what-that-I'don't-know-what-it-is, 
>that makes it magical! What about converting it to MSX2?! 
>(hum, luckily, to dream is for free... yet! I'm sure Bill Gates will 
>have copyright soon!! X-)
You're wrong again Nestor... 
(Que bien me lo paso metiendote puyas... XDDDDD)

You are forgetting Sir Dan by Daniel Zorita, although since 
Sutchan has put his fingers there, the results -specially the 
graphical ones- can be unexpected, for good, it seems.
Yeah, he seems that for Barcelona Meeting we'll see an 
advanced beta demo. 
Yeah, I know that the release of this game starts to be a matter 
of faith, but I still keep some, the one for emergency cases. ;)))


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