
>Does anybody know, what the current state of the
>SNATCHER-translation is? Two years ago Oasis
>announched this tranlation available for Zandford 97.

Well, the last thing I heard about it, was that it has been 
completed for a certain part, but that there were some 
troubles within Oasis with dividing the translation work.
After that, I haven't heard anything about it.

>That was the last time I heard anything of Oasis.
>I think, I heard sone rumors about a spanish version.
>Can anybody confim this?

Haven't heard about a Spanish one, but it could very well
be possible, as there have been more games translated in

>If a spanish version exits, it should be posible to
>translate this one rather than then the japanese one.

I don't know. Ofcourse there 'll be more people to understand
Spanish than Japanese, but the amount of texts remains to be
the same. But who knows what 'll happen.

>Herbert Kloseck
>Herbert Kloseck         #       University Of Dortmund
>                       # #      LS7: Computer Graphics
>                       # #      D-44221 Dortmund
> #####################  #       Germany
>  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]     
>  http://ls7-www.informatik.uni-dortmund.de/~kloseck 
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