>>1) What would u say if the game will need more than
>>   128kB ram?
>Fine by me, I have 2 meg :)

Also me. I have 4M! ;-)

>I say just make the memory-requirements higher. All the serious MSX-ers
>(well almost all) have at least 256k of RAM.

I totally agree with it. The "128K RAM/128K VRAM" programming standard is
old enough to upgrade it to "256K RAM/128K VRAM"; nowadays 1M memory
expansions for MSX are quite cheap.

And I propose also to abandon DOS1, but this is another story... ;-)

>And the people who have less
>won't get happy either if it works with 128k but there is no music and/or
>the level-size is very small.

No music if only 128K RAM... not bad idea. Smaller levels... no please!

        Konami Man - AKA Nestor Soriano (^ ^)v - Itsumo MSX user

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