Hi, Manuel!

 MB> I have some cracked ROMs with 24kb blocks. Very quick to load, but the
 MB> disadvantage: it's from &H8000-&HE000 (or somewhat higher for the code
 MB> that has to LDIR the block in the right mapperpage) in memory, and the
 MB> basic loader has to fit in too: result: CTRL needs to be pressed.

Hmmm. I remember a cracked version of Maze of Galious using this method.

 MB> I was wondering, can't someone make a nice ML-loader that stores the
 MB> blocks in the lower 32k of RAM? (Using the same blocks, but, instead

It is not difficult to make. But .... If you want to use a ML loader, then you
should patch the blocks in order to set the right HL, DE, BC values of the LDIR
(and the right page of mapper, of course) !!

I mean re-arranging part of the mapping routines!

 MB> Can anyone help me with this?

Hmmm. I have a better idea. What about pasting all the blocks for making a
whole 128K file with a .COM loader? It's faster than using 24KB blocks ;-)

BTW, you must try Trunk's LOADROM.COM !
It's a great program that LOAD any plain (not patched) .ROM file!
It works fine with most of known MegaROMs you can find in FTPs.

Salidos, digo ... Saludos.
Apdo. Correos 3294  18080 Granada
... MSX: hacia el siglo XXI

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