> > Why did he used memman? Isn't direct control of the Memory Mapper faster?

Memman is quite fast. It's not such a big deal. Examine the code and you
will see it's just a couple of jumps and the neccessary stuff.

> Faster indeed. But eigther you only use one mapper, which is a serious
> limitation, or you have to search all the memory yourself, which makes it
> about just as fast.

Erm nope. There are two types of action. (1) Searching memory. This has to
be done only once, so speed it not really an issue here. (2) Switching
memory. This has to be done quite often, but not that often, so speed is
interesting here. But not really for a copier... Anyway, Memman is slightly
slower now but hardly.

Cas "Parallax" Cremers

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