Here is a comprehensive commentary about last Madrid MSX fair:

 Last saturday, 6th of March in Madrid there was the fifht MSX fair
in Madrid edition: MadriSX´99, it had a good success and a great
number of MSX expositors from the whole Spain and Netherlands.

 In total we received 114 visitors and 14 MSX groups presenting every
kind of MSX products and news. We start to do a short description
about each MSX group:

1- Club Hnostar, they showed all the MSX products from their list,
they had some new products like Home Pop Musiz, NV Disk and the
software card called Hispasoft, a special card designed to get great
discounts in spanish software and some advantages. They also presented
some new games like Brain and they sold new IDE cartridges...
Members: Jesus Tarela, Alvaro Tarela and Angel Tarela.

2- Sunrise, they had some news, the best one was a great pack composed
by GFX9000 + Video 9000, they showed some demonstrations, they made
SRAM expansion in Moonsounds, they sold new software like Lost World
and Xtazy CD, and they sold Moonsounds, PowerBasic and PAL encoder.
Members: Koen van Hartingsveldt and Rob Hiep.

3- AAM & Msx-Men, they had new software from Japan like Animecha, they
sold the new KAI game called Nuts (similar to Double Dragon), Eurolink
magazine, ACCnet cartidge with a new Coms6 version with Zmodem...
Members: Jose Maria Alonso and Ramon Ribas.

4- Club Mesxes, they only sold some new SD Mesxes magazine numbers and
MSX-2 Technical Handbook, they presented a FAT16 for MegaSCSI.
Members: Nestor Soriano.

5- Majara Soft, they presented a new promo of Poder Oscuro game with
new pictures and a new scroll routine.
Members: Manuel Varela, Jesus Gomez and Cesar Castillo.

6- Boh Ken, this new programmers asociation came with new software,
final beta versions of Puddle Land and KPI Ball were presented,
another FAT16 routines and they sold Sonyc and games translations.
Members: Manuel Pazos and Sutchan.

7- Trunks, he made SCC switches, he sold Risk II english edition and
he explained something about TCP/IP protocol for MSX.
Members: David Madurga.

8- Moai Tech, they sold a new MSX magazine number, Fmsx disks and some
new demo disks.
Members: Manuel Dopico, Yolanda Dopico and David Fernandez.

9- Cruz soft, he sold a new program called Listsoft, a new database
for MSX games and MSX disks.
Members: Pedro Cruz.

10- MSX Spirit, they came with new soft, old Spirit magazines, tapes.
Members: Eustasio Viviente, Raul Gonzalez and Claudio Perez.

11- Second Foundation, they presented a new Xtory III version with some
corrections, they sold MSX PowerCDs, Anime CDs, Joker game from Japan
and they did a exposition about the new MMSX system, presenting a
just made MMSX version.
Members: Miguel Angel Cabrera and Ignacio Cabrera.

12- Padial Hardware, he showed the new Z380 board and the test board,
he presented new cartidges like serial interface or the new PC
keyboard interface, he also explained some about the new VDP for MMSX,
he sold his products like eproms programmer or memory expansions.
Members: Leonardo Padial and Leonardo Padial jr.

13- VAJ Club, they presented the new Lehenak magazine and diskmagazine
with some demo disks, the new MSX comic called Bidaia and Pal
converter for MSX system.
Members: Julio Velasco, Valeriano Velasco, Veronica Velasco and
Andoni Velasco.

14- MSX Power Replay, the organization, they organized the fair and
they represented to some clubs, like Miri software or MBT, selling
many MSX products like CDs, Aladin crt, DOS2 crt, 7 Mhz kit...
Members: Rafael Corrales, Ivan de la Peņa and Jose Maria Pacheco.

 There were some MSX programmers without stand like Canor (Daniel
Zorita, Sir Dan programmer), Ivi soft (Ivan Isidro and brother) or
Jose Angel Morente (Ņaca soft)...

 We organized a special lunch for the visitors and a common meal in
the cultural centre restaurant, there were some draws of MSX products,
like Hnostar magazines, software, an adapted PC case or Philips modems.

 There were some general expositions, technical information, many
documents and forums, this was one of the best MSX fairs made in

 If you want more information, mail us to take more data about this
fair, remember that you can get more info and pictures in:


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