"Rieks W. Torringa" wrote:
> Hi


> >Maybe I could dig on my old MSX-Fan and
> >MSX-Magazine to try again reading those
> >kanji, but I'm unsure if I'll be able to
> >do that. <:)
> It could very well have been Nobunaga's Ambition (or, in Japanese,
> Nobunaga no yabou). Did you know this game is still very popular in
> Japan ? It also has been remade for e.g. PlayStation, SNES, etc...

I figured it out, there are a lot of similar
games by Koei... This should show how popular
these games are. `:)

> In Japan KOEI is still going strong...

I'd love to see some of those games translated,
so they could be better enjoyed. Do these games
play like Master of Monsters? This is a good
playable game even in Japanese, althought it's
not needed to understand much.

Also, is any of these games available in English?
Is there any European game similar to these ones?
(i.e., Koei games)

`:) Parn
    ICQ# 1693182
--- "Music of the soul", Mitsuo Hagita

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