>We think we have something interesting for you.. You probably make your
sources with GEN80 or COMPASS as they are the
>most used assemblers on MSX.. Well.. Also you probably think that it's
slow, especially the time to compile files to

No, not really. Assembling my SA-sources (which are quite large) only takes
about 30 seconds on my 7MHz MSX. And I can immediately try it out (I can't
when working on PC... ok, I can use an emulator...).

>Wouldn't it all be easier to use a fully qualified Assembler on PC for
MSX?? Which fully supports macro's and
>that kind of stuph??

Since I have no PC next to my MSX...
And by the way, Gen80 and Compass also support macros.

>Where you can use things as:
>xor a

Ok, you can't do that in Compass. But you can make i.e. Vdp 9 as a
Compass/Gen80 macro...

>Or something as set_palette(pointer) etc., etc..

These are just macros in another form (C-like), but again, the same can be
done in Compass or Gen80: set_palette pointer...

>Well as a matter o' fact, TeddyWareZ has contacts with a person who has
>made Chaos Assembler.. Chaos Assembler is an Assembler for the TI82 and
TI83 calculators (which also have an Z80

Hey Hey, I have one! Yes, a real TI-83 (although I never heard of this
assembler before). I need a program to recieve/send files from/to my MSX
from my calculator. Then I can program for it... Hmmm, I don't really feel
like writing it myself, but if I must... Can you provide me with information
about the protocol of a serial link, parallel link and a Graphlink??? Also,
I need some info about the .83g and .83p fileformat, but I think I can find
that myself.

>processor..). The person who made Chaos Assembler will add MSX extensions
to Chaos Assembler if there is enough
>interest.. TeddyWareZ will add some more extensions, such as a serious
number of those macro's (which *won't* effect
>the number of clock cycles) Also all BIOS and BDOS routines will be there,
a serious number of addresses and documents
>about the BIOS, BDOS, VDP, etc..

>Chaos Assembler is a fully qualified Windows '95 based program.. Think of
the features it has what MSX doesn't have:
>- Multiple files open at once.
>- A sprite editor
>- Speed (16000 lines in 8 different source files, in about 20 seconds to
>- All docs readable by a couple of clicks.
>- The ASCII table in one click.
>- etc., etc..

>We really want you to answer this mail, because this is a great opportunity
for all MSX coders to use a very cool

Well it can't harm to have this program, but I at least won't use it. There
are already some cross-assemblers like TASM and another 2 MSX-specific
assemblers (of which I forgot the names, one was of MSX-Engine, I believe).
I don't know if it's worth the effort.

>d-fader and HeXx.
>PS. If you have your thoughts about it, and you're coming to Tilburg, then
visit to our stand, and we'll show you
>Chaos Assembler, as we already made SCC-BLAFFER and Ultra SonicWaves with
it (which will be released at Tilburg
>1999).... Also if you just want to see Chaos Assembler, visit us at our
stand, and we'll show you...

Ok, I'll check it out.


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