On Thu, 22 Apr 1999 18:39:12 +0200, Nestor Soriano wrote:

>>  Have fun with "Telefonica de Espana" :)
>Is this a joke or what?? If you want to ruin yourself in a fast 
>way, just connect to internet in spain. Thanks to "Telefonica", 
>internet surfing in spain is a sport for rich people only! 8-(
Nestor, you do not understand. Telefonica has been fined with 
some Million dolars in Brazil because the company hasn't 
accomplished the deal signed when buying TeleBras, which, if 
I'm not wrong is the Phone company of Sao Paulo state.
There were even public complaints from the Brazilian President 
to Telefonica.

So, you can guess that now not only Spanish are angry with 
Telefonica and his fucking mother but also plenty of Brazilians!

If it were enough disgrace for Spain to be known as land of 
Toros (beware with the next movie of James Bond!!! The 
scriptwriter is deciding that the villain has to be a... Torero!) , 
Sun, and Paella, now it will also be reminded as homeland of 
Te... Te... Telefonica!

>Ok, this is off-topic, sorry... it is only long time stored anger! X-)
Me too... ROARGH!


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