> Thank you for all this, but......
> I have tried the utility I number 3, SPRITE3.BAS, but also this is very slow, I
> could not
> believe us!!!, therefore this utility not ok, unfortunately.!!!, I am sorry that's
> why.
> If you for courtesy could do an other utility so that the SPRITE it go very faster,
> otherwise I don't can more create videogame.
> Now I there greet, give me your newses to the more soon.
> Bye bye....

        We tested the game you send attached. But I think your problem is not
with SPRITE speed. Your game is too slow because the mainloop is in
BASIC, and BASIC is too slow.
        You could do what some programmers do: Write only part (the slow part,
with many calculus and conditions verification) in assembly. But then
you should learn Z80 (and so MSX) assembly.
        Werner Kai

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