
> >IF this is true.. and only IF.. because i can't see why ASCII want to
> >put money in developing a new MSX machine.. ( tell me )
> >Then : we must supply those guys with THE BEST stuff ever made
> >for GFX9000 and MoonSound .. so that they can somehow convince
> >ASCII that they do have a 'solid' sales area for their new MSX
> >system.

Is there really a connection between a new MSX-system and the
products developed until now for the old MSX-system ? If there would
be developed a new MSX-system by ASCII, it'd be a professional
project. It would actually mean the development of a NEW computer
system based on an OLD standard. Such a computer will only become
a success if there are GOOD programs for it. By showing the programs
made for MSX in the last few years, the only thing you do is showing
what amateurs can do with the OLD system. But I bet that when there
will be developed a new system, the amateurs will go on being the
amateurs and the new software will be produced by professional
software development companies.

About the GFX9000... I was told this was actually not such a good
piece of hardware. Actually the V9990 isn't really that compatible
with MSX, so there are many other compartments needed in order
to make the V9990 work with an MSX, which disables many
functions of the V9990. If ASCII would develop a new MSX, it would
not be such a bright idea to go using the V9990. They'd better
search for a more compatible videochip...

Yes, I am very doubtful about this story. I don't believe in this kind of
dreams anymore, until I see them realized. Sorry...


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