> Hi
> I'm looking for some informations about MSX-Basic V3.0 and V4.1.
> Up to now I haven't found anything in the net. Even on the great
> MSX-FAQ-site I have not found the things I'm looking for.
> In details I am interested in the question if and which new
> commands due to Basic V2.0 exist.Which commands have been
> more features as in older versions. (The same for Disk-Basic V2.0
> instead of V1.0 for MSX1 and MSX2)?
> Excuse me if this is a really silly question, but I am not very long
> member of this mailing list. By the way: Does a list of FAQs for
> this mailing list exist (like FAQs for some newsgroups) ?

Well the differences between 2.0 (MSX2) and 3.0 (MSX2+) are that 3.0
supports the SET SCROLL command for the v9958 videochip.

And if I remember correct basic v4.0 featured some extra commands (all
CALLs) to use the PCM-chip.

And most 3.0-versions and all 4.0-versions also featured KUN-Basic.


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