> - source length limit of about 20K, even though the source is tokenized,
> this is not enough (especially comments take lots of space)

Hey... hey!!!

JON!!! Listen!!!

Can't you tokenize the source in Compass??? This has two advantages: 1. the
assembling-speed will be increased drastically, and 2. the size of the
.ASM-files will be reduced a lot!
You can include an option to let the user decide if the code is upper-or

Well, maybe it's not a good idea... Just check it out.

Another remark: the TABS are wrong sometimes. If a label is exactly the
length of the TAB, then if I put comments behind it the space inbetween will
not be taken into account by Compass, resulting in the comment not being
seperated from the code.
Example: LD    (COPYFILENAME+8),A;Fill in copydata...

Do you get what I mean?


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