> > - Composers should bring their own kit if they need more than an MSX.
> But not all people can bring an MSX and a PC. For some people the MSX will
> be a problem (because they come by train, for instance).

Most composers I know have no problems with that, but it's a nice 
suggestion anyway.

> I think you should work with what you've got.

I agree.

> I mean: I don't think the
> use of 640k instead of 128k really makes a difference. 

The difference is sampling rates. With 640kb I can use 22khz 16 bit 

> About FMpac/MusicModule: 1. I think they are still quite good,
> and 2. Almost all composers have a MoonSound.

You didn't read my reply correctly, I asked about a seperate 
fmpac/musicmodule compo because it is in my humble opinion difficult 
to compare the two.

> Well that's the case with megademo's. But I think that's the challenge:
> program some cool demo in 24 hours. But maybe I'm wrong... Anyways, it
> wouldn't be fair if one prepares a complete megademo at home and another
> starts at the marathon. We definately have to set a rule for this...

You cannot implement this. The only fair rule that applies is: it 
must be finished before time xx:xx

The solution most people use is split the compo: a megademo compo, a 
4k compo etc. But I think there is too few contesters for that.

> > > Also, if you go to the Marathon: BRING YOUR COMPUTER!!!
> >
> > duh
> Does duh mean "okay" or "forget it"???

This means: DUH
OFCOURSE people bring their computer.


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