Adriano Camargo Rodrigues da Cunha wrote:

>         All the versions I got of this game had problem with the first
> level, so it crashed without start. This version has the first level
> working ok, 'cause I reconstructed (yes!) the level from the original
> Spectrum 48k game (yes, it's true!). It took me two weeks of disassembling
> and work. Yeah, I know this game is terrible, that it has an horrible
> playability, but I like Ghostbusters, I never saw the first level working
> on MSX and the intro music is nice (too bad, it's too short).

        Congratulations !
        My brother Weber also made this with "Samantha Fox Strip Poker" screens.

>         Some time ago, a well known guy said that brazilians don't know
> how to program the MSX conform the standard.

        Not, he said that the brazilians don't are accustomed...

>         All the spanish games I disassembled had severe errors. They
> overwrite FFXXh area (corrupting subslot register), they access VDP
> directly without waiting the VDP finishing the work (the famous double EX
> (SP),HL after an OUT to VDP), they assume the slot configuration,
> they assume some reserved ports, they ignore the BIOS...

        Robocop uses FFFFh....
        In the games "Obliterator", "Bestial Warrior" and in other Spectrum
conversions you can find eight straight OUTs to VDP data port without any kind
of delay or CALLs to standard BIOS routines...

        That's it

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