> Hi,
> >Yes, Marathon.
> Well, I think I'll be willing to keep some kind of speech. But if I have
> make a promise about this (some kind of reservation - I don't know) please
> tell me in advance so that I can prepare something... Are there more
> going to give a speech ?

Well yes. I want to show an MSX > TI-83 transfer protocol I think, Willem
wants to show off some things about sharing an MSX HD with a PC... I hope
Matra Software will also show their cabinet, and I'd like if someone could
tell some things about MegaRAM and maybe show it off... Maybe he will make
some hardware-guy enthousiastic... He should then make some flyers too I

Others can tell a litlle about new software they're making and maybe you can
also tell a little bit about Japan...

> >Well that was indeed the idea.
> >24h doesn't seem too short to compose a song to me...
> Nope, 24h will be fine I guess. I don't know yet if Sargons composers
> (Robert Vroemisse and Johnny Hassink) will be participating, but if they
> will, I guess they are capable of composing something very nice in a few
> hours.

I hope too...

> >And if not at the fair itself, then what were you planning to do during
> >Marathon?
> Haven't really decided yet, but if I understand well right now, it's also
> little bit up to the participants of the marathon to decide about what to
> do. If so, be sure we'll come up with something.

Well that would indeed be nice (my mind is not filled endlessly with ideas).

> >Oh, by the way, will you be back in Holland by the time the fair is held?
> Yup, I already returned (I'm back now for a week or two - although if it
> for me I'd stayed a little longer, snff), so I will be there.

??? Two weeks already???

> >One must: Quarth.
> >Hell of a game.
> Quarth would be nice, yes. What about my RPG-contest idea ? And what about
> Puyo Puyo ? If you don't include Puyo Puyo in your contest, we might be
> organising some nice game with it (might be starting already during the
> fair, however - haven't worked it out yet). And one other must (please do
> this favor):Space Manbow. If need be, I'll take my original cartridge (to
> prevent complaints about copied versions etc.).

RPG... they take kinda long, don't they? Please work ou the idea and let me
And ofcourse other games like Puyo Puyo and Space Mambo are also ok.

> >Let me know your exact plans...
> About the auction ? We'll see at the day itself, I guess. But the idea is
> very simple:just sell those games by having people bid for them. We don't
> have as much games as Fony had, if I'm well informed, but we have some
> like Ys 2, Ys 3, some Konami's and some other stuff. We also have the
> game North Sea Helicopter, which we'll probably sell for a very nice price


> >Err hey!!! I haven't got your fair-registration yet!!!
> >Submit it! Fast!!!
> Hahaha, couldn't resist a little grin over here. That's right. No
> fair-registration yet. I will take care of that tomorrow or else the day
> after. Anyway, count me in. The stand WILL be paid, so don't worry. Start
> with only one stand, which we'll also use during the marathon. I already
> filled in a form on your homepage, so check that for further information.

I've recieved it. Thanks.

> >There will be some forms of 'entertainment' (the competitions), but you
> >can't get 24 hours full with that alone.
> I get it. The keepers of the stands that will also be there during the
> marathon will also have to do something about the entertainment. How many
> stands will participate in the marathon ?

At the moment 5 stands (of 21... quite reasonable). I expect... well... is
30 people too much you think??? Or should I make that 40??? I have heard
from quite a lot of people they'd come. However, I also received word from a
lot of others that they won't participate...

It's actually a bit confusing... But I hope we know more during the fair
(from the tickets sale).
To make things clear: Fl. 5,- for the fair, Fl. 15,- for the fair +
marathon, Fl. 10,- additional if you decide to stay later on.

If you think it's a little expensive... Next year we might be able to lower
the prices a bit but this year we've still got to make some profit to regain
the money we (rather: Jaap) lost the past years. And you will get some nice
breakfast for the money and can stay 3.5 times as long as non-Marathon
participants for only 3 times the price! Oh what an enourmous reduction...
Well anyways.


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