> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alex Wulms [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> ] > the program and check the memory contents. Since MSXTRA contains its
> own
> ] > RAM, 
> ] > the debugger will not overwrite any byte of your program's memory.
> ]     Do you know who made this cartridge? I only have a PCB with
> ] RAM&EPROM, looks like a copy.
> I haven't got a clue. The one I have overhere is in exactly the same
> format. 
> I bought it at a PTC fair for FL2,50. It was in a case with all kind of
> other 
> boards and other electronic stuff. Most stuff was for the PC but I
> recognized 
> this particular PCB as being designed for a MSX cartridge slot. Was rather
> curious about its purpose and the price was low. So I just took the risk
> of 
> buying it and was very glad when I figured out its intended purpose.
        I think that it was made by a hobbyist from a club who could not get

        cartridge boxes or something like that.

        I plugged mine in and it says MSXtra v. 2.0 (c) 1986 by .... (I
don't remember).
        Mine also came from a box filled with PTC stuff! Funny. The 8235 had
a Philips sticker on the bottom, support...something.

        B.t.w. The smashed 8235 now works again. When I first connected it
it showed garbage on the screen, but I heard the demo music of my Nemesis 2
cartridge, so I know it worked. I had a closer look and saw the VRAM was
missing! Used for a RAM-extension of another MSX I guess. Anyway I found
that an old EGA card contained 8* 41464 chips, so this was easily fixed. All
works fine now.


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