At 12:12 15-7-00 +0300, you wrote:

> >  I've contacted Konami a while ago for legal issues
> > regarding the old MSX games. They told me "They could
> > be available for free". I wonder if they could
> > contribute with something like source code or specs if
> > we show them some interest on it.
>Hmm, this sounds _very_ interesting... maybe someone could show
>much interest and get the codes. Even codes from games which were
>not published ?

Now that would be really nice. If we all could get hold of those sources, 
we could translate games very easilly without any loss in the story.

>Then there would be possibility to finish those games and make
>.rom files from them...

If we know what the gameplot is, sure we couild. But it's still fun to find 
the humour Konami puts in their games. And really, almost every game has it 
(keeping Parodius out of the list, because that just IS a big joke).

GreeTz, BiFi

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