At 21:07 17-7-00 +0200, you wrote:
> > This week I've finished it with her and it seems to work perfect. But I
> > still have to make a new IDEFDISK program to make FAT16 partitions. That
> > will be for July...
> > For now you will have to create the FAT16 partition on a PC...
>Soooooo, how are things going? :) Making any progress? *nag*nag* ;)
>I _realy_ wouldn't mind if you'd release the driver/bios update without the
>fdisk program you know... creating a partition with a windows/dos/unix
>box is a piece of cake, and IMHO not really worth the wait for a program,
>if the driver is already finished.
>Any chance it's going to be released soon? (with or without the fdisk)

We're working on it. This includes testing, bug-fixing and stuff. AFAICS it 
will be released with a new FDISK. However, the actual release date is 
unknown yet...

GreeTz, BiFi

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